Friday, 23 July 2010

Say hello, wave goodbye...

Well it is Littleuns last day at his nursery and there is mixed emotions from us all. Mr & Mrs H and the Ladies who work at the nursery have always been fun and friendly, helping that extra bit when we have had a problem or two and we shall miss them all greatly. There will be many stories to remember, fun days that were had; The Summer fayres and the Christmas party, the child covered in paint running for a hug as you arrive, the carnival floats made in secret then revealed on the big day triumphing as usual and the general laughter and joy so loud that you hear it through the windows that is always coming from the nursery. Not to forget the massive hello’s said with genuine feeling every time Littleun rang the doorbell and now our sad goodbye as we leave for “big” school. Thank you all!

But the prospect of starting his new school is very exciting for Littleun.

He had what they call a taster day a couple of weeks ago. It’s where the kids go in for a couple of hours and get shown their new surroundings. Littleun was understandably nervous by this on the morning but by the time I came to pick him up he didn’t want to leave and had already made a new friend! The new school is a community school and takes aspects from its surroundings to help teach the children. One part that appealed to us is the nature section. The school has built a bird hide so the kids can sit and watch. They have a nature area with ponds and wildlife, allotments for growing things and despite being in the middle of the town lovely big playing fields for fun to be had. We can’t wait: We have 7 weeks until he can start and he is counting them down already...


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's good to be excited about school! I remember being that excited when I was little too.

Kathy said...

It's been nearly 40 years since I've been in school but I still associate the early morning September chill in the air with walking to school in the morning and the excitement that went with it. I hope he never loses his excitement.

Rowan LeBoutillier said...

I remember when my Little Man was going to start big school after 2 years in preschool. He was so excited, now he's looking forward to going into 3rd grade.

Also, wanted to let you know that I love your blog and I copied your button into my blog scroll. I also posted about it on my blog.☺

)O( Rowan

Kait said...

Just found your blog and have already been through all of your posts. I just couldn't stop myself from reading them!