Saturday, 27 March 2010

Spring Cleaning

Its Spring, I'm Cleaning, yeah I know don't fall over in shock those of you who know my home! Apart from the need to reassert myself I'm not to sure why I'm bothering to do this as in depth as I am, the second round of dust and debris is due to start imminently and I soon won't be able to see the walls or floors for all the work going on.
But not only am I cleaning the home I'm clearing my mind of all the junk stored in there. The little niggles that get to me have gone, vamoosh. I feel better, like a weight has gone from my shoulders. I'm sitting here asking myself is it really important, and if the answer is nope then I'm getting rid of it.
Give it a go, its rather liberating!


Nar said...

I'm doing some spring cleaning myself. People usually let go of non-physical clutter only at Samhain, but I think we should do a spiritual spring cleaning too. You said you were clearing your mind as well as your house. That's a good way to look at it. Happy Spring!

jennielee226 said...

I have been sitting here thinking that I have to get back to cleaning after just one more blog, but I can't make myself do it. Send some of that energy my way when your done with it!